Taipei Confucius Temple and Dalongdong Bao-an Temple

Two of the temples I was looking forward to visit at Taipei are Confucius Temple and Dalongdong Bao-an Temple, both located at Dalong Street, Datong District.

Both temples are seldom visited by tourists in comparison to Longshan Temple of Wanhua District, but can be the most rewarding if you want to admire the Chinese architecture on all peace and quiet.
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple

One of the many Confucius temples across Taiwan and China, the Taipei Confucius Temple not only honors one of the greatest philosophers of all time but showcases one of the Master’s teaching- simplicity.

Gone are the elaborate wall designs and the blinding mixture of gold and red colors.
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple

Designed by the famous architect Wang Yi-Chuan (creator of Taipei Longshan Temple too), spanning a total of 17,100 sq. meters, exploring the Confucius Temple offers a calmness that is enjoyable and sometimes seldom experience on a busy city like Taipei.
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple

From every corners of each room to the statues of Confucius teachings, no wonder why the residence of the nearby area decided to spend their afternoons inside the temple ground.
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple

Located at the backside of Confucius Temple is another equally celebrated and treasured temple- Dalongdong Bao-an Temple.
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple

Established in 1742 and awarded as UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award in 2003, Bao-an Temple is usually visited by people praying for good health or recovery from illness.The temple deity is Baosheng Dadi, said to be a known 9th century doctor and revered for his healing powers.

Requiring a quarter century to complete, with every materials used mostly imported from Mainland China, Bao-an Temple architectural style not only showcase the usual grandeur expected from Chinese temples but the architectural style of early settlers.
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple
taipei confucius temple & dalongdong baoan temple

To reach both temples, take the MRT Red Line (Damsui/Tamsui Line) to Yuanshan Station. I highly recommend to skip the other night markets and pay a visit to this two magnificent temples.

21 thoughts on “Taipei Confucius Temple and Dalongdong Bao-an Temple

  1. What fantastic photographs! Really give the viewer a feel for the cultural differences that we all have! Thanks for sharing!

    Cogtography, a photographic blog (mainly for photographers) for all your inspirational and creative ideas, give us a comment, a like and maybe even a follow. Get creative, get inspired:

      1. Yup!! Temple is made for the purpose of piece 🙂 It’s good to know that caught me exactly 🙂 Hope ur doing fine? so long time 🙂

  2. Do you ever take BAD photos?! ^^ Nah, didn’t think so.

    These temples are awesome and phantasmagorical. You’d need a thousand years to look at all the details.

    1. thank you! really appreciate that!
      i always thought that i can only produce good pictures in Japan only where everything seems to be setup accordingly, so i will take that as an encouragement and compliment 🙂

  3. this is one the beautiful, calm, and peaceful temples I have seen . I am not very well versed about Taipei, but what I have read , has impressed.
    Thanks for posting such beautiful photographs.

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